Fixed in Firefox
MFSA 2006-43 Privilege escalation using addSelectionListenerMFSA 2006-42 Web site XSS using BOM on UTF-8 pages
MFSA 2006-41 File stealing by changing input type (variant)
MFSA 2006-39 "View Image" local resource linking (Windows)
MFSA 2006-38 Buffer overflow in crypto.signText()
MFSA 2006-37 Remote compromise via content-defined setter on object prototypes
MFSA 2006-36 PLUGINSPAGE privileged JavaScript execution 2
MFSA 2006-35 Privilege escalation through XUL persist
MFSA 2006-34 XSS viewing javascript: frames or images from context menu
MFSA 2006-33 HTTP response smuggling
MFSA 2006-32 Fixes for crashes with potential memory corruption
MFSA 2006-31 EvalInSandbox escape (Proxy Autoconfig, Greasemonkey)
We recommend that all users upgrade to this latest version.
"Firefox has been updated
You are running Firefox with the latest updates for stability and security."
mdr :)